30 July 2010

Small Whisper

Alright, everyone, this is a letter that goes with my poem 'Small Whisper' (you can find that on facebook if you want to read it). It's the first thing, aside from the poems, that I've written for my book. Please give me some feedback on what you think. I hope you enjoy it!

Small Whisper

Dear Readers,
You've heard it said by those wiser than us to "always listen to that small still voice inside, to let it guide you and to never turn from it." I know that, as independent young adults, sometimes we feel as though we know everything, but the reality is that we don't. We all need someone whispering to us, helping us to do the right thing at all times. Now, whether we listen to that small voice is our choice, no one else can make it for us. Not our parents, not our friends, not even God can make us listen. He gave us a free will and because of that, we have to make a conscious effort every day to trust and listen to the voice God placed within us.

Lord Byron wrote it beautifully when he wrote 'The Island' saying,
"Yet still there whispers the small voice within, heard through Gain's silence, and o'er Glory's din: Whatever creed be taught, or land be trod, Man's conscience is the Oracle of God."

And it's true! Our conscience is the Holy Spirit himself, which is the Oracle of God. God sends the Holy Spirit out into the hearts of His Beloved to be His messenger, it's how He speaks to us, how He gets our attention.
The thing is though, we have to be willing to really listen for Him and that can be rather difficult. See, the Holy Spirit speaks when it wants to, or when God tells it to, and when it does speak it's not necessarily a loud, clear voice. It can be very quiet, nearly nonexistent, but if we listen closely enough, we'll be able to discern the Holy Spirit's voice from Satan's.
As adolescents we will make mistakes there's no doubt but, as we grow, we will learn to listen to that still voice within, we'll learn to trust it with everything we are. We will learn to surrender to the whisper inside of us and when we do, our faith and love for Jesus will overflow to others in such a way that we won't be able to hide it. As we begin to listen closer, we will be able to better share His love and message of Salvation as He sees fit to have us deliver it.

Well, guys, this is it. The first letter written for my book. I know grammar may not be perfect (Anne.), but I didn't quite focus on that aspect of this letter, I cared more about the words and how it would effect my readers. I hope this has blessed you in some way and please send your feedback and comments. Thank you all.

Until our next encounter,