29 January 2011

Love Never Quits and Love Never Dies

"When does love stop persevering?
When does love just quit?"
These are the cries of a broken-hearted woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter.
These simple words stand true for all of humanity; they are what we should be asking ourselves daily.

When does love stop loving?
When does love lose the will to fight?
How is it possible for love to cease when love is meant to withstand all impossibilities?

As humans, it is in our nature to love; we cannot go without it.
Our bodies crave it, our minds need to be reassured of it constantly, and our emotions feed off of it daily.
No man or woman can go without love; they will search for it and try to get it in any way they can.

When love is not received, one's mind begins to ask questions such as, "Is there something wrong with me?  What does love really mean?  Will I ever find this so-called "love"?"
But, what happens when love (in the typical sense of the word) can't be found?  Our minds then start wondering, "Who will love me for me?"


JJ Heller, I believe, portrays the true concept of love and the ever-longing cry of our hearts in this song very well.  We, lowly, sinful humans, cry "Who will love me for me?  Not for what I have done or what I will become.  Who will love me for me?  Cuz  nobody has shown me what love means."
And it's true, no human on earth can show someone genuine love.  Each of us has a picture of what we think love really looks like, but until we get a grasp of one true Love of the world, we will never know what love really means.  However, in the midst of our desperate cries, God responds ever so gently, "I will love you for you, not for what you have done or what you will become. I will love you for you, I will give you the love that you never knew."

God loves us unconditionally and infinitely, it doesn't matter to Him what we have or have not done, He just simply loves us.  We killed Him, we spit on Him, we hated Him and ignored His teachings, yet still He loves us.  If He can love us still even after all that we put Him through, why is it that we cannot persevere through life's ups and downs and still love each other?

Love never has a reason to quit.  If one quits on their love for others, they know not what true love is.  If one quits on love, they are a coward to perseverance.

How will you love?  Will you persevere or will you quit?

Until our next encounter,

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