17 January 2011

The Effects of Words

"You're so stupid."
"Can't you do anything right?"
You're a drunk."
You're worthless."

Drug addict, loser, alcoholic, abuser, rapist, murderer, thief, push-over, incompetent, lazy, ugly.
All of these words and more are the words that we, the human race, use to label others, to degrade them.  Whether we realize it or not, we are embedding it into their minds that they are what we've said they are.  These are the words that we use on them from birth, these are what people become because they've been so embedded in their minds since day one that they know nothing else.  And, be it true or not, they will begin to believe these things to be truth.

Some will claim that words are simply that alone, just words, but words have meaning and each of them can cause real-life consequences.
The words that strike others from out tongues can be detromental to the minds and lives of others, but, if used in a genuine love for the feelings, emotions, and lives of humans in general, words can have a wonderful, life-long effect for the greater good of human life. 

What we speak, whether we mean for them to be good or bad, will bury themselves so deep into the minds of those receiveing them that they will begin to internalize them and will soon start putting those words into action.  People will become that which they are called, if called it repetitively enough, unless they can find the will to realize who they are is not who others say they are, but who God says they are.

Words are not to be toyed with, no, they can have some extreme consequences in the  way that we use them, if we're not careful.  Words are the cause of so many of the problems in our lives today; they are the cause of broken homes, torn relationships, fights, and so many other things.  Words must be used with care so as not to bring about any unnecessary circumstances; to keep the peace between loved ones, co-workers, friends and oneself, one must have an intelligent knowledge of words in the English language and use them as delicately as one would handle an expensive, fragile gem.

To any parents who may be reading this, do not take offense to these words I write, but rather, keep them in mind and take care to remember them in the midst of chaos when it invades your home before something more drastic than a fight ensues. 

To any siblings reading this, remind yourselves every day that your tongues are not to be used as weapons to hurt others, but instead, they should be used as mighty swords to protect the ones we care about.  Use your use of words to preserve the relationships you carry around you now and know that no matter the circumstance, words have a major impact in the outcome.

Words only do the damage that we allow them to do.  If we put a lock and key on our mouths and take care to watch what phrases and words are allows through the gates, then our lives may be much happier and relationships that we love having so may last much longer. 

I do not claim to know everything when I write these blogs, I only write from experience and the things I am learning along the way.  I hope to bless others in what I write and help others through their journey through life. 

Until our next encounter,


  1. This is so true!

    1. Thank you:) Everything I write comes from personal experience, so I'm glad you related to this and found it to your liking. Thanks for reading!
