06 February 2016

Lost Words

the Whirlwind, ever stirring
Unwanted words and Thoughts
never Caring to slow or
see the Pain it leaves In
Its wake -

Why should It?
What would It change?
Would It care, would It reassert Itself
somewhere else?


it never ceases - not Completely -
Its pulse slows to
nearly Dead, but Never does
It fail to Breathe

violent Tornados spin
always faster -
Sometimes the Words get lost,
can't grab Them to
Save me - They're out of my Control -
lost for now,
Lost forever?

how can I stop It?
When is it Time to Lose?
Why is It so hard to grab Onto
the Pieces?

let me Go - stop the Whirling
Let me Find the Words to speak Again.

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