25 April 2011

Who Defines Your Worth?

Who do you let define you?  
Do you let others take that task or do you fight to be able to define yourself?  

There is no one who can define you but you and Jesus Christ himself.  Everyone around you - whether or not they mean to - will try to define you in their own terms and that is when you will have to fight to not let those words take hold in your mind.  
No one knows better how to define you than God, but the question you - the question we all must ask ourselves - is will you let Him define you?  Or will you allow the crowd to degrade you and define you all your life even though you know it is wrong?  

How can humans define just how flawed or not your worth is when their own worth is flawed and damaged as well?  They can't.  They have no right and though they will try, and sometimes succeed, to make you feel small in your worth, they are nothing to how your worth is defined by God.  

No one can tell you that you are worthless.
No one can force you to be defined in the way they want you to be.
No one can tell you that you will never amount to anything in this life.
God, after all, is the only one who has this right, the only one who can tell you how much you are worth and the only one who can tell you how much you will amount to in life.  
He won't ever degrade you.
He won't ever tell you that you are worthless.
And He will never tell you that you won't ever amount to anything because, to Him, you are a rare jewel in the rough. 
He says that you will be worth the world to Him and that nothing and no one can ever take that from you.

Will you let Him define you? 
Will you let him show you how much you are worth?
Or will you continue to drown in the lies of the crowd?
When will /you/ learn to define yourself through God's eyes and not your own or the eyes of those all around you?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. So good and so needed Lauren. Thanks for posting this. :)
