20 July 2013

I Have A Dream

Every time I see the way words fall across a page and the how one can have such a way with them to make them express every feeling, color, and good or bad moment, it just increases my desire to bend words to my will.  Writing allows me to have control over any situation that I write about even if I have no control over anything in my life.  
A writer is able to bring death, life, joy, sadness, to his (or her) characters in fictitious writing and in poetry, one can use words to be able to describe colors, scenery, every situation, and the world itself.   The colors that fly across the page, the nature that comes alive, the words, they just soar throughout one’s mind and create a beautiful masterpiece once they’ve landed.  
When I’m writing I can make my world come alive and clear it of everything that is unwelcome.  I want to be able to share this ability with others; I want to be one of the great writers of my time.
A great writer with just one simple word can make a person fall to his knees as pain swells in his chest or rise to his feet with an over-flowing euphoria.  One word can cause a nation to make a long-lasting decision it will soon come to regret or one that could save millions.  
The bridges of relationships are built up and burned down with words; lives are saved with just a word, this nation, our universe, was founded and brought to life with a few simple words. 
Think about it: if we didn’t have creative control of the words we say and how we use them, where would we be?  If we didn’t have the free will to speak how we choose to, write what and how we please, what would it be like?  
As Americans, we have this freedom and we all take it for granted.  There are other nations, other countries, which do not have this freedom, they don’t have the power of free speech and to write what they like.  Some of them do not even have the freedom to write at all, many are bound to a life of silence or death will come to them and/or their loved ones.  
Americans do not have to worry about this.  We can say what we want to, to whomever, and we can write without penalty. 
My dream is to see that every nation, every country, state, and peninsula is able to have this freedom.  The freedom to speak, the freedom to write and be creative should not be hidden from any human being. 
My dream is to see every child become fully adept in writing, whether as a profession or just for themselves, but no one should be deprived of such a wonderful privilege. 
I long for the day when freedom of speech - in words both spoken and written - is fully free and people are no longer prosecuted, punished, for speaking their minds or writing down the words placed on their hearts.