philosophy of writing is constantly changing.
It changes as I find new methods to try my hand at, new authors and
their ideas and/or habits – it will never cease to change for if it does, I
will be dead.
writer has her (or his) own thoughts on their work of focus and that’s what
makes us all so unique. If we all
followed each other like sheep follow the shepherd, the world of poetry, the
world of writing, would soon cease to exist.
Then where would we be? We would
be useless creatures.
Without individually
having a philosophy to improve and nurture, we are nothing more than the
average bear. With it, we are
invincible. We are unstoppable.
about these questions. How many times
have you felt like you were drowning in the weight of your own life? How often have you considered giving up and
forgetting about all your dreams and goals because it was “just too hard to
fulfill them”? It is seen, from my eyes
at least, that all too often do writers struggle with these very questions and
too often does the fire and passion fizzle out because of the pressure.
BUT, to those of us who
persevere, bravo.
We are the fighters.
We will win.
I will fight for my
passion and for my writing until the day I pass from this world to the
next. You cannot stop me – I will be as
a Kansas tornado; everything that stands in my way will be ripped from its
roots and tossed aside. Sometimes
fighting for this is the hardest thing ever, sometimes I get little to zero
support from my family, but I know that this is what I was meant to do and,
hard as it may be, I WILL continue to pursue this. This is my love, my life – it’s my
my life is ever-changing, sometimes for the worst, writing is what I cling to
to keep me strong. My philosophy is
this: If you find your strength is also where your heart is, nurture that fire,
let it fester and grow. And burn anyone
who looks to dim your fire or, God-forbid, put it out.