20 August 2011

Throwing Lemons

If there's one thing that I've learned in life it's that life doesn't care who you are, what you've done or what you will become.  It will throw all that it can at you and see just how long you can stay standing underneath all of the weight.  If life just stuck to throwing lemons, it would be a nice, easy life.  Instead, it throws divorce, pain, fighting, bills, emotional roller coasters and so much more in your face and laughs when you fall.

If there was just one person who cared enough to treat you with respect, love, trust and like the adult you were, would you give them that chance?  If that chance was given to that one person but they blew it, what would you do?  One can only be so much of an adult, however, when someone criticizes that one for trying, that one person is going to be backed into a corner and not know what to do.

I am that one person.
The someone is anyone who backs me into corners or shuts me down.

Throw things, break things, tear things apart - none of that matters, but words....negative, destructive, hurtful words...those matter to me and they're not something I can take lightly.  How can you not see that?  How many more different ways must I tell you?

My mind is running a million miles a second right now.  This isn't the direction I meant to take when I started writing this, so I'm sorry to those who expected something of the usual.  I feel like I'm jumping from one thing to another....

Words are not toys and I know I've mentioned the power and effects of words in past blogs, but I'll state it again: words have a serious lasting effect on a person's life and psyche and can either do some incredible damage or be a great help.  How you choose to use your knowledge of words is all up to you, but if you expect to have friends or people who love to be around you, then you'd better choose the better of the two options.

If you want to say something, but the words will be wrong, degrading or damaging, then take a few of life's lemons and throw them out at me instead.  Words, to me, are more harmful (or helpful) than if you threw lemons at me.

So, throw lemons, but keep your words pointed at me - or anyone else for that matter - at a minimum for damage and at a maximum for encouragement.

Until our next encounter,